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Objectifs de la Mission scientifique et technologique :

Promouvoir et développer les partenariats avec des universités américaines et en susciter de nouveaux compte tenu du rôle central joué par les universités américaines dans les domaines de :

•l’enseignement (attraction des élites mondiales), télé-enseignement,
•la recherche,
•le processus de l’innovation et le développement économique régional,
•les centres de prospective/réflexion/influence…

Ainsi, l’identification et le soutien de nouveaux partenariats ou d’échanges de "matière grise" (étudiants, enseignants-chercheurs…) sont les missions de chacun des 7 postes de la Mission Scientifique et Technologique aux USA : Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco et Washington DC.

Office for Science and Technology

Consulate General of France in Chicago

Goals of the Office for Science and Technology:

To strengthen existing partnerships with American universities and initiate new ones in ways that support the pioneering work of American universities in the fields of :

•innovation, regional economic development
•developing new ideas (think tank)


Thus, identifying potential partnerships and supporting existing ones, as well as exchanging resources between France and the U.S. (students, educators, scientists), are the main missions of all 7 USA posts of the Mission for Science and Technology: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C.

Le Service Scientifique de Chicago est en charge du Midwest, comprenant 13 Etats : Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota et Wisconsin.
Son activité est centrée sur les domaines de l’agriculture, de l’agro-alimentaire, des biotechnologies et sur la coopération universitaire.

Le Service scientifique et technologique de Chicago a pour mission :

•d’identifier et connaître les institutions et les acteurs clés de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche du Midwest, notamment des universités et des laboratoires nationaux et de constituer un réseau de relations,
•de faciliter et soutenir les projets de coopération universitaire,
•de diffuser une information sur l’enseignement et la recherche en France,
•de contribuer à des études de veille technologique,
•d’organiser l’étape de Chicago du Forum USA, permettant la rencontre des entreprises et des étudiants/chercheurs français,
•d’animer un réseau de scientifiques français présents dans le Midwest.

Ces missions ne sont pas exhaustives ; le Service se veut ouvert à toute suggestion ou proposition d’actions dans le domaine de la coopération universitaire au sens large.

The Chicago Scientific Office is in charge of 13 Midwestern states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin (see map above)
Its activities focus on agriculture, food production, biotechnology and projects with universities in all scientific areas.

Mission of the Chicago Office for Science and Technology:
•to identify and establish relationships with the key Midwestern institutions of higher education and research (universities, national research laboratories or private research institutions)
•to support partnerships and common projects between French and American universities
•to circulate information in the Midwest on teaching and research in France
•to monitor technological innovation in the Midwest
•to animate a network of French scientists residing in the Midwest.

This list is non exhaustive; the Office is open to any suggestions or proposal concerning academic cooperation in the broadest sense.

The French Office for Science and Technology in Chicago is the main organizer of the Second Edition of the French-American Science Festival. Here is few information about us. 

About our main partner

Northwestern University 

​Dr. Morimoto’s research laboratory studies the regulation of the heat shock stress response and the function of molecular chaperones.  His current research is to understand how organisms sense and respond to physiological and environmental stress as well as to identify the cellular responses that ultimately determine cell growth and cell death.
Dr. Morimoto and his wife, Joyce, started the L.A.B.S. program 18 years ago as a way of stimulating curiosity by providing advanced biology classes for kids.  The goal of L.A.B.S. is to expose grade-school children to the fascinating world of life science research using modern technology and hands-on laboratory instruction through challenging yet fun experiments.

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